I’m a 46-year-old perimenopausal, late-diagnosed ADHD mum of a 6- and 4-year-old. I understand how busy life is, caring for others with your battery running on 5% and struggling to bring about change.
I skipped full of energy into my 40s with a baby and two years later during the Covid pandemic lockdown I had another baby.
The toddler didn’t eat, and the baby didn’t sleep.
Each day was very, very long and I felt like death warmed up and in survival mode.
What I thought was post-natal depression at 43 years old was actually perimenopause.
Thankfully a friend was a few months ahead of me in her peri journey and shared articles, podcasts and the Davina McCall documentaries. OMFG why had no one mentioned perimenopause to me before? I’d heard of menopause and thought my period would stop in my 50s. Even during my biology degree, there was no mention of this LONG stage (up to 13 years) where your hormones are on a crazy rollercoaster which presents as a whole host of physical and mental symptoms leading up to menopause.
Indeed, some women will breeze through perimenopause but the bulk of us will have some symptoms and for a smaller percentage (myself included), we’ll tick off many debilitating mental and physical symptoms and things will unravel so quickly, that you’ll genuinely think you’ve had a stroke and early onset dementia. I’m also in the proportion who were unaware/undiagnosed neurodivergent, where perimenopause depletes you of not just your hormones but all the daily coping mechanisms you’ve had to this point in life.
For me, the combination of lifestyle changes (what I eat/drink, movement/exercise etc), HRT, and many habits have helped me navigate this midlife stage.
I understand the bumpy midlife journey, it’s a rollercoaster ride and I’m passionate about helping you navigate yours so you can thrive during this stage of life.